During the purchasing procedure, suppliers and providers of services are treated equally, irrespective of their geographic location. On the occasion of selecting a supplier, care is taken to ensure that it provides the established quality of products, offers products at acceptable prices, meets deadlines, provides actual support and services as well as information useful to the purchasing and ordering party, takes responsibility for possible problems and informs an ordering party about any purchase order or delivery related problems in a transparent way, as well as that it has a solid financial standing. It is also essential for Hemofarm, as a socially responsible company, that potential and existing suppliers observe the rights of their employees and that they are socially responsible themselves.
There are defined corporate procedures for the approval of new suppliers and monitoring of existing ones, as well as each delivered lot of raw material, packaging materials and other products and services which are the subject of purchasing, as well as supporting documentation, are all controlled at the point of receipt. The transparency of relations with suppliers is ensured through centralization of the purchasing processes.