Hemofarm Presents the Tenth Jubilee Sustainable Development Report for 2021
15. November 2022.
Under the slogan ‘Guardian of a sustainable present and a more certain future’, Hemofarm has presented the results from the year 2021, as well as the key messages from the past 10 years of sustainable business.

For the company Hemofarm, the past 10 years have been a decade of successes, which is best confirmed by the promotion of the latest 10th Sustainable Development Report for 2021 titled ‘Guardian of a sustainable present and a more certain future’. At the same time, Hemofarm kicks-off a new cycle of its sustainable development journey this year.

The biggest success of Hemofarm in 2021 is related to successful operation in an extremely demanding environment, irrespective of which Hemofarm has succeeded to deliver all necessary products to all the markets where STADA Group operates in the required quantity and the expected quality.

‘A decade of reporting on sustainable development is behind us, during which we have invested a lot of effort and commitment to contribute to making the world a better place. We have been working on education and motivation of Hemofarm employees, their families, business partners, consumers of our products and the community to understand and apply the principles of sustainable development in everyday life. Hemofarm is presently recognized as one of the leaders of sustainable development in Serbia and the region, as well as the strongest link in the sustainable development of STADA Group,’ said Dr Ronald Seeliger, CEO of Hemofarm, at the promotion of the 10th jubilee Report.

Anke Konrad, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Serbia, has pointed out that the successes and results of Hemofarm simultaneously show that the German investors have been focused on the market of Serbia and its development.

‘Sustainability is an aspect that is strongly integrated in our bilateral cooperation with Serbia. 90 % of the current development cooperation projects is related to climate. German companies, with Hemofarm among them, contribute to sustainability in Serbia to a large extent. In order for us to open up the way to new, creative ideas in order to attain a sustainable, climate-neutral economy, an adequate environment is required for all businesses. In addition to the rule of law, the National Energy and Climate Plan, which represents a framework for sustainable innovation, makes an integral part thereof’, Konrad said.

Sanda Savić, Senior Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications, has remarked that Hemofarm has proven that the sustainable development principles are interwoven in the DNA of the company.

‘We have shown in what ways we care for people, their health, as well as for the society in general, but our employees are also in our focus. We are proud of the fact that almost 50 percent of our employees are the millennials and younger generations, while women make a majority of the headcount, and 60 percent of them are at management positions. I believe that in the next 10 years, we will even strongly set the standards that we will all be extremely proud of’, Savić pointed out.

When it comes to the operations in the post-pandemic year, Hemofarm has continued moving along the upward trajectory of sustainability. Out of 6.6 billion tablets and other forms manufactured by Hemofarm, as much as 89 percent have been packed in the packaging material made of recycled cardboard. Hemofarm’s portfolio has been additionally increased by 38 products, and it is still the local and regional market leader in sustainable development and the most determined fighter for people's health.

The complete Hemofarm’s Sustainable Development Report for 2021 is available for downloading HERE, and below are some of the milestone figures from Hemofarm’s sustainable business in the past 10 years:
  • In the past 10 years, we have produced 2,367,000,000 packages, with which we could circle our planet six times (or connect the South and the North Poles twice).
  • With intensive development and investment in research, we currently own 1,556 marketing authorizations. Now our portfolio includes almost 500 products in various forms and dosages.
  • People are our greatest strength, and currentl, there are about 3,000 of us, not only employees but families, gathered in one big One STADA. Almost 50% of our team is made up of millennials and younger generations.
  • Women are the majority in Hemofarm (54.5%), while 63.4% of women are in management positions, which is the best confirmation that gender equality has long been a part of our everyday life and a guarantee of good business results.
  • Continuous development of people is a safe bet for a certain future and a chance for us all to learn. That is why we have completed about 47,073 trainings in the past ten years. That is about 100,000 hours of training, which means that each of our employees attended at least 16.
  • We also take care of our home – planet Earth, and through the rational use of resources over ten years, we have saved electricity and water that Hemofarm consumes on average in about 14 months or 400 days of work.
  • Safety at work starts with each one of us. In the previous ten years, occupational injuries decreased from 1.3% to 0.3% for the total number of employees.
  • Caring for society is an obligation of all of us. In the past ten years, through about 2,000 activities and partnerships, we have helped many who needed support and started a dialogue on important topics – from organ donation to mental health. We have also granted scholarships to 1,100 best students and were mentors to fifty of them.
  • Since 2012, when we started reporting on sustainable development, our volunteers have been active and invested around 10,000 hours of their work through various voluntary actions for building a better society for everyone.
  • During ten years of using recycled cardboard for product packaging, we have saved 178,995 trees, which is equal to 190 hectares of forest or 242 football fields. In other words, we have preserved a territory under forest equivalent to the area of the Belgrade’s municipality Vračar.