15. November 2017.
The Responsible Business Forum, representing a network of socially responsible companies, presented a recognition to Hemofarm for contribution to the development of non-financial reporting in Serbia on 4 November 2017. A total of 11 companies publish these reports in Serbia, which have become mandatory for the companies operating in the European Union by the European Union Directive.
Sanda Savić, Hemofarm’s Director of Corporate Affairs and Communications, emphasized on the occasion of presentation of the recognition that it was a great honour to be awarded by the colleagues and the branch. ‘Hemofarm interwoven the sustainable development principles in all aspects of its business operations as early as 5 years ago, as a pioneer not only at the level of STADA Group, but also in Serbia and across the region. We have instantly undertook reporting according to the Global Reporting Initiative guidelines, as the most demanding sustainable development reporting system, and we are already preparing the following report while abiding by the latest changes in this area. The business sector should always bear in mind that non-financial reporting in accordance with the GRI contributes to the promotion of reputation of a company, as well as the competitiveness in the global market’.
On this occasion, the Responsible Business Forum also presented, for the fifth time in a row, the results of the Annual Questionnaire on Corporate Social Responsibility for 2016. According to the results of the Questionnaire on Corporate Social Responsibility of the Responsible Business Forum, companies invested more than a billion and two hundred and fifty million euros in socially responsible operations during 2016. Member companies supported 743 organizations and 1154 projects. Almost 600 million dinars were invested in local communities, while the largest number of projects was implemented in Niš, Novi Sad and Belgrade, i.e. Kraljevo, Vranje and Leskovac.
‘Compared to 2012, when we conducted the survey for the first time, today, five years later, we realize that the investments in the socially responsible activities have increased by as much as two and a half times. Number of hours dedicated by employees in companies to volunteering and social goals has recorded an increase by 1.5 times, and the number of projects dedicated to corporate volunteering has increased by 30 percent. Compared to the period of five years ago, we can also perceive that the investments of the companies in the environmental protection tripled and that the companies recycled seven times larger quantity of various materials. Companies have also retained the focus on developing projects for development of their employees and continued investing in occupational protection and safety beyond of what is required by the law. The obtained results are an indicator and a good guideline for the companies to work ever more on improvement of corporate social responsibility in Serbia year-in-year-out’, Neven Marinović, Executive Director of the Responsible Business Forum and Smart Kolektiv, said.