Hemofarm – An Example of Social Justice
20. February 2017.
On the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice, the Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Policy, Aleksandar Vulin, has visited Hemofarm’s manufacturing complex in Vršac. ‘Hemofarm is one of, unfortunately, rare examples of a fair, successful and responsible privatization which has not left employees jobless, but it rather helped in developing and upgrading the local community. Unfortunately, the majority of privatizations was not such and therefore one cannot say that Serbia is a socially just country, or a rich country, but it has been fighting for social justice and for a better life of all its citizens. Social justice, equal chances and the right to dignified life are enabled by the companies like Hemofarm, and the state is there to help everyone who need it‘, Minister Vulin said.

Chief Executive Officer of Hemofarm and Vice President of STADA Group for South East Europe, Dr. Ronald Seeliger, indicated that social responsibility of the regional pharmaceutical leader represents the DNA of the company.

‘At the end of the last year, Hemofarm presented the fourth edition of the Report  on Sustainability, an area in which, upon being granted the highest A+ level by an independent auditing company, we made another step forward and complied with 85 indicators, which is a double higher digit than the one when we started publishing the report. As the regional pharmaceutical leader with the factories in three countries, exporting to more than 30 markets, we are also responsible for the wellbeing of the local community and we gladly embrace that responsibility. However, everything that I have listed, and what I haven’t listed, Hemofarm could not have achieved without the most valuable resource, without people, without employees’, Ronald Seeliger said.

Together with the senior management of Hemofarm, Minister Vulin made a tour of the Quality building and the Plant in which persons with disability work.